Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
This term, we will be learning about the Victorian history of Witham and the Victorian Age. We will be reading the text 'Cogheart'.
Homework in reading comprehension, maths and grammar is set every week on Google Classroom. This will usually be linked to learning in class. RE homework will also be set regularly. Homework will be set on a Friday and is expected to be turned in by the following Wednesday.
Spellings are set weekly on Spelling Shed, following our spelling lesson in class.
I expect the children to log into Spelling Shed at least 5 times a week.
I expect the children to log into TimesTables RockStars at least 5 times a week, too.
Each week, on a Friday, I will check Reading Record Books. Each child's book should be signed by an adult 5 times every week.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school at all times. Earrings are NOT to be worn for PE lessons. If your child cannot remove their earrings independently then please make sure to take them out before school.
Year 5 Class Representatives
Year 5 Class RE Area
Daily Reflection Time
After lunch each day, we have a time of Prayer and Reflection led by our Class Chaplaincy Team. We begin with our Grace after Meals, spend time in quiet prayer and then we say one of the Year 5 prayers from our Holy Family Prayer Booklet. After doing the Sign of the Cross, we ask the Holy Family of Nazareth to pray for us. This is a very special part of our day as it helps us to feel calm, focused and ready for our afternoon learning.
Class CST Worship Time.
In 1891, Pope Leo XIII developed the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. These Principles help us to focus on the ways we, as Catholics, are called to live our lives by ensuring that all people can experience the wonder of God's love.
Stewardship - Sofia the Sloth
Collective Worship: Ourselves Topic.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta
I am a Child of God.
In our RE topic, Ourselves, we have been thinking about the gifts and talents we have been given by God. We were inspired by 'Our Deepest Fear' by Marianne Williamson, John 1:12, and the words of Cardinal John Henry Newman to create our beautiful artwork.