We came together as a school family to reflect on Jesus' journey to the Cross.
Lent at Holy Family
At Holy Family, we believe that small acts of generosity, performed by thousands of people, have the power to make a big change to our communities and, ultimately, to our world. As such, during Lent, pupils at Holy Family will be invited to take part in 40 simple acts of generosity which will challenge them to be kind, thoughtful and inclusive.
Each class has been provided with a set of 40 Challenge Cards and at the beginning of each school day every class will pick a Challenge to perform. Children will also be given a challenge sheet, which they can tick off, once they have achieved the challenge set for that day.
We have a holistic approach to learning that aims to expand and nurture each child’s academic and personal development. By embedding the aspects of SMSC throughout our curriculum, we aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Opportunities to promote pupils’ development in these areas are provided in religious education, whole school assemblies, themed days, circle time and through cross-curricular PSHE sessions. We also encourage all of our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community through class & school councils, fundraising events, supporting nominated charities and involvement in community activities.
Spiritual development:
This is the development of a sense of identity, belonging, self-worth, meaning and purpose. As a Church school, spiritual development is a key priority. Children are able to develop their own personality and have respect for different people’s feelings and values. They are continuously encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in their learning, and to reflect on their experiences.
At Holy Family we develop our children’s spiritually through:
- The use of the Come and See RE curriculum
- Links to the parish community - Mass, collecting for the foodbank, concerts, choir performances
- Daily Collective Worship
- Other faiths work - visits to local churches, exploration of Judaism and Islam.
- Visits to the Cathedral
- Retreats
- High profile of prayer
- The use of Worship Councillors for child led liturgy
- Marking major events in the church calendar - Advent, Lent
- Intangible ever present ethos of the school and the relationships that flourish here.
Moral development
This refers to a pupil’s understanding, attitude and behaviour to what is right and what is wrong.
At Holy Family we develop our children morally through:
- Providing a clear moral code for behaviour which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school; for example, Behaviour Policy; Class Charters; Golden Time; Anti-Bullying Week; E-Safety week.
- Promoting equality relating to; gender, religion, ethnic origin, age, disability, SEND, (Inclusion policy, Equal Opportunities policy, SEND policies).
- Promoting racial, religious and other forms of equality (Racial, Inclusion, Equal Opportunities, SEND policies).
- Giving pupils opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts and values throughout the curriculum; for example, truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong (PSHE; RE; History; Literacy; Assembly; Drama; School Council).
- Developing an open and safe learning environment in which pupils can express their views and practise moral decision making (PSHE and circle time sessions, Worship Council, School Council; Drama; Safeguarding policy & practice).
- Rewarding expressions of moral insights and good behaviour (Celebration Assembly; class reward systems; house points; Star awards).
- Modelling through the quality of relationships and interactions the principles we wish to promote; for example, fairness, integrity, respect for persons, pupil welfare, respect for minority interests, resolution of conflict, keeping promises and contracts (whole school charity events; Fair-trade week; monthly foodbank collections, Shoe Box appeal - Operation Christmas Child, Celebration Assemblies; Assembly themes).
- Recognising and respecting different cultural groups represented in the school and the wider community (celebration of religious festivals in RE, Chinese New Year and newsletters, themed Assemblies).
- Encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions; for example, respect for property, care of the environment and code of behaviour (Eco Council, Behaviour Policy; Assembly themes).
- Providing models of moral standards through the curriculum (Literacy; History; RE; PSHE; Assembly; Drama).
- Reinforcing the school’s values through the use of displays etc.
Social development:
This is the development of pupils’ ability to work collaboratively with each other and participate successfully in the community as a whole. Pupils develop skills that are necessary to be able to problem solve, resolve conflicts and to create successful relationships.
At Holy Family this learning is evidenced through:
• Electing playground leaders to help children resolve conflicts swiftly and fairly.
• A buddy system to provide children with peer to peer support.
• Using talk partners to promote collaborative learning.
• Circle time sessions
• Providing a variety of lunchtime and after school clubs.
• The flexible use of additional adults to provide guidance and support where necessary.
Cultural development:
This is the development of pupils’ understanding and appreciation of their own and others’ cultures and beliefs. Pupils develop an understanding and respect for cultural diversity and reflect this in their attitudes and behaviours around school and within the wider community.
At Holy Family this learning is evidenced through:
• The celebration of diversity within our school assemblies.
• Themed days/weeks such as our ‘International Day’
• The use of Literacy texts from different cultures, countries and religion
• By exploring countries from around the world in topic.
• Delivering assemblies which reflect various religious celebrations.
• Adopting strong links with local places of worship as part of the RE curriculum.