At Holy Family we love our pupils to look smart and take pride in their uniform. Please see uniform details below.
All uniform is available at Personalise (Witham) if you wish to have the school logo on items of clothing.
It is also available at most high street clothes retailers. Please look for the dark bottle green colour, not light green.
Most essential of all please ensure that every item of your son/daughter's clothing, including shoes and plimsolls/trainers is named.
Holy Family runs its own 'Twice Loved' uniform store where families can help themselves. If you wish to make a small donation all funds raised go into School Fund to support the children. The store is located in the school entrance foyer, and is open from 8:30 - 9:00am and 2:30 - 3:00pm. We welcome donations of uniform that is in excellent condition.
Plain coloured coats and black shoes (no trainers)
Grey Trousers | Grey Skirt (knee-high in length)/Pinafore/Grey Trousers |
White Shirt | White Shirt |
School Tie | School Tie |
Bottle Green Jumper | Bottle Green Jumper/Cardigan |
Grey or Black socks | White, green, black or grey socks or tights |
Children may wear Winter uniform in the Summer and plain black shoes (no trainers)
Grey Trousers/Shorts | Green and White Check Dress(knee-high in length – no lace or braid trim) |
Bottle Green Polo Shirt or White Shirt | Bottle Green Polo Shirt or White Blouse |
School Tie (worn with White Shirt) | School Tie (worn with White Blouse) |
Grey or black Socks | White, green, black or grey socks |
Plain White T-Shirt or Logo printed
Green Fleece/Green Sweatshirt (colder weather)
Plain Black Jogging Bottoms (colder weather)
Black Shorts
Black Plimsolls – slip on/lace tie
No Exaggerated Hairstyles (including colours and gels)
Shoulder length hair and longer should be tied back
Hair Accessories should be small and in the school colours
i.e. Green or Black
No Nail Varnish