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Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

Living, Loving, Learning Together

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Laudato Si

Laudato Si


Pope Francis' Laudato Si (“Praise be to you”) is a worldwide wake up call to help humanity understand the destruction that man is rendering to the environment and his fellow man.

Laudato Si - week


'You are called to care for creation, not just as people but as followers of Jesus'. (Pope Francis 2015).  Laudato Si is just part of our lives at Holy family, but we also like to have focus time really looking into how we look after the World.  This term we linked our Around the World Day with Laudato Si week and studied seas and oceans.


We have an 'Around the World' day each term.  We use these days to teach the children about other areas of the world, and also link them to eco or conservation work being done in that area.  Around the World Days have looked at the Arctic and Antarctic, Tropical Rain Forests and Seas/Oceans.  Our aim being for the children to look at these parts of the world and to reflect upon the changes occurring to them.  We teach the children that if every single one of us does one thing to look after our world, that adds up to a lots of things (action).

The principles of looking after each other, and the world we live in have always been important to us at Holy Family. To heighten our work  in school and in the wider community we have made Laudat Si and Fratelli Tutti one of our school priorities. 

Laudauto Si in action - Year 6 - Litter Picking

Year 6 - Meet Green Councillor James Abbott


James Abbott the Green Party councillor for Witham came into school to talk to Year 6 about various topics that affect the pollution in our town of Witham.

James discussed recycling, litter picking, light pollution, fly tipping, the environment around us and how we as a community can help and assist to make our town a cleaner place for all.


The children asked lots of questions on how they can help, what they can do if they see littering, and how as families and schools we can all pull together to make our community better for all.


It was a really good talk and discussion and the children asked lots of really good questions. 

Promoting Laudato Si as a school

  • Participate in Earth Day, World Seas/Oceans days
  • Daily recycling (paper, plastics, cardboard, glass)
  • Reduction in use of single use plastics  (kitchen, resources within school)
  • Purchase of more recycled goods (paper)
  • More vegetarian days in the menu plan
  • RSPB birdwatch
  • Forest School activities 
  • School uniform store 
  • Saving energy (turning off lights when leaving the room/ trial light sensors)
  • Talk from green councillors
  • Participation in campaigns eg: CAFOD Climate action
  • Learning about plants
  • Bee friendly planting in school grounds
  • Link to local baby bank