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Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

Living, Loving, Learning Together

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Year 4

Welcome back to the Summer Term in Year 4!

This term, we will be learning about the Mayans and we will be reading The Great Chocoplot!


We will continue to send the class prayer bag home weekly. Please share some prayer time together as a family and take some pictures to add to the class prayer book. Ask your child write a prayer or reflection in the book to be shared at school.



Homework in maths and grammar is set every week on Google Classroom. This will usually be linked to learning in class. RE homework will also be set regularly. Homework will be set on a Friday and is expected to be turned in by the following Wednesday.

Spellings are set weekly on Spelling Shed, following our spelling lesson in class.

I expect the children to log into Spelling Shed at least 5 times a week.

I expect the children to log into TimesTables RockStars at least 5 times a week, too.

Each week, on a Friday, I will check Reading Record Books. Each child's book should be signed by an adult 5 times every week.


At the end of Year 4, the children will be taking part in the national Times Tables Check. They are all expected to know all of the times tables, up to 12 x 12, by this point. Please ensure your child practises regularly.

Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school at all times. Earrings are NOT to be worn for PE lessons. If your child cannot remove their earrings independently then please make sure to take them out before school.

Year 4 Reflection Time - Each day, after lunch, we have a short time of prayer and reflection. We end with one of our Year 4 prayers and by asking the Holy Family of Nazareth to pray for us.

Year 4 Prayer Bag - each week a member of our class takes home the Prayer Bag and spends time praying and reflecting with their familiy.

May - The Month of Mary. We have written our own prayers inspired by The Memorare, The Angelus, The Hail Holy Queen and the Hail Mary.

Year 4 Mass and Retreat

Public Speaking Competition at Anglia Ruskin University

Year 4 Autumn Term Curriculum Map

Year 4 Autumn Term Weekly Timetable

Year 4 Class Representatives

RE - Collective Worship

RE - Live Simply

Anti-Bullying Week linked to Daisy the Dove (Catholic Social Teaching)

Around the World Day - Amazon. (Linked to CST Principles of Subsidiarity, Distributive Justice, Stewardship and Common Good)

Autumn in the Forest

Developing practical skills, resilience and perseverance
